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Omslagsbild för Valkoinen kobra

Valkoinen kobra

'Entisestä posetiivin soittajasta oli tullut sotarosvo.' Benevenuetto on matkustanut aavikolle vain yhdestä syystä. Hän on kuullut, että legionaalaistaistelut jättävät jälkeensä ru ...

Omslagsbild för Merirosvolaivurin aarre

Merirosvolaivurin aarre

New Yorkissa asuva Jukka Korppi, entinen muukalaislegioonalainen ja Suomen armeijan kapteeni, päättää lopettaa uuden työn etsimisen ja palata Suomeen viidentoista vuoden jälkeen. H ...

Omslagsbild för Hemsjörånet


Två gamla hederliga män, som genom ett sparsamt och flitigt leverne lyckats samla ihop en förmögenhet, rånas och misshandlas nästan till döds en ödesdiger augustinatt 1948. Råna ...

Omslagsbild för Gisslandramat vid Princes Gate

Gisslandramat vid Princes Gate

Onsdagen den 30 april 1980 stormade sex beväpnade terrorister den iranska ambassaden i London. De tog 26 personer som gisslan och kvarhöll dem i sex dagar. Det skulle bli ett av de ...

Omslagsbild för Rånet mot lantbrevbäraren

Rånet mot lantbrevbäraren

En kvinnlig lantbrevbärare kör den vanliga turen med postbilen på ensliga småvägar i glesbygden i trakten av Västerås. I bilen finns den här dagen rätt mycket pengar -- det är pens ...

Omslagsbild för Pyhän tikarin veljeskunta

Pyhän tikarin veljeskunta

Mac Duster on pulassa. Taskuvarkaan ammatti on käynyt kannattamattomaksi poliisien tiukennettua tarkkailuaan. Nyt Mac matkustaa junassa kohti New Yorkia epävarmana tulevaisuudestaa ...

Omslagsbild för Carbo and the Thief

Carbo and the Thief

The road to Rome is long and full of peril. Following his retirement, ex-legionnaire Carbo journeys back to Rome, blissfully unaware of the dangers that await him. On the way, he e ...

Omslagsbild för Danska polisen under ockupationen

Danska polisen under ockupationen

De fem förbannade åren, som man i folkmun kallar den tyska ockupationen av Danmark, från den 9 april 1940 till den 5 maj 1945, var en oerhört krävande period för hela det danska po ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Where Love Is, God Is

B. J. Harrison Reads Where Love Is, God Is

B.J. Harrison reads the classic by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Martin Avdeitch is a devoted shoemaker, who works in his basement and meets sorrow in life. His family has died, exce ...

Omslagsbild för B.J. Harrison Reads Lord of the Dynamos

B.J. Harrison Reads Lord of the Dynamos

Holroyd is an unpleasant man who is in charge of a power station supporting an underground electric railway. Azuma-zi is a stranger who arrives from the East and soon finds a job a ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads When the World Was Young and Moon-Face

B. J. Harrison Reads When the World Was Young and Moon-Face

"When the World Was Young" introduces us to a thief named Dave Slotter, who intends to steal from James Ward - a famous and wealthy businessman. However, while Slotter walks throug ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads To Build a Fire

B. J. Harrison Reads To Build a Fire

A man travels through the frozen wasteland bordering the Yukon River, accompanied by his best friend – a large husky dog. The dog tries to dissuade the man from walking farther int ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Unexpected

B. J. Harrison Reads The Unexpected

Edith Whittlesey is born in a country district of England, where life flows as per the rule of thumb. She is married to an honest and hardworking miner, who works together with fou ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Young Goodman Brown

B. J. Harrison Reads Young Goodman Brown

Goodman Brown is a young man who leads a normal and peaceful life with his wife Faith. However one evening, he leaves his wife and heads out to the forest. He has to run an unknown ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Tobin's Palm and The Ransom of Red Chief

B. J. Harrison Reads Tobin's Palm and The Ransom of Red Chief

"Tobin’s Palm" is a story about a young man named Tobin whose love Katie has disappeared. He did everything he could to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Heartbroken, Tobin ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Skull

B. J. Harrison Reads The Skull

Conger is in jail and given an opportunity to get out on one condition: he must go back in time and kill a man whose impact changed the world for centuries to come. He receives a s ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Second Variety

B. J. Harrison Reads The Second Variety

B.J. Harrison reads a science fiction classic by Philip K. Dick. In a post-nuclear world, self-replicating robots are on the loose and thinking independently. Although originally d ...

Omslagsbild för Twelve Red Herrings

Twelve Red Herrings

An imprisoned man is certain that his supposed murder victim is very much alive... a female driver is pursued relentlessly by a menacing figure in another vehicle... a young artist ...

Omslagsbild för Tales About Hope

Tales About Hope

What is hope? Hope shines through the fairy tales selected for this collection. Let Hans Christian Andersen enchant you and let your favourite characters teach you about what hope ...

Omslagsbild för Mord till kaffet. Fem kusliga kriminalnoveller

Mord till kaffet. Fem kusliga kriminalnoveller

Vad sägs om ett mord till kaffet? Här finns fem stycken munsbitar med deckargåtor i Göteborgsmiljö lagom för små pauser i vardagen. I Peter GissysMord till kaffet – fem kusliga kri ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Mortal Immortal

B. J. Harrison Reads The Mortal Immortal

Winzy is a young man who is desperately in love with a girl named Bertha. He is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her, even to reluctantly accept an employment offer by the a ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Most Dangerous Game

B. J. Harrison Reads The Most Dangerous Game

Sanger Rainsford and Whitney are two friends, who are on their way for a jaguar hunt in the Amazonian rainforest. The two men discuss how the world consists of predators and prey, ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion

B. J. Harrison Reads The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion

"The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion" is a short story by Thomas Hardy that follows the encounter between a young woman and a homesick soldier. The sparks of passion immedia ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Monkey's Paw

B. J. Harrison Reads The Monkey's Paw

What would you do if you were given a chance to correct the incorrigible? Everything is going well for the White family, but they are human beings after all, and like everybody els ...

Omslagsbild för The Porter's Son

The Porter's Son

The general’s family lived on the first floor of the house. The concierge and his wife lived in the cellar. They had a son, Georg, who was allowed to play with Emily, the general’s ...